New Release 1.0.1-1
ColoTux is now (since 2006-07-11) registered as a class I medical product. DIMDI registration code DE/CA20/12-Beck-01/06.This allows for medical use in Germany outside the "research only" domain.
Please have a look at www.colotux.de for licensing, pricing, systems etc.
- ColoTux:
- Saving of named pictures directly from the wizard.
- Marker dialogs allow to specify colors, to jump to and to delete existing markers.
- Interpolated 2D views
- Simpler user interface
- New cutaway view
- AngioTux2D
- Better screenshot naming convention
- Comparative charts
- Better workflow
- More error conditions are catched in the VesselWidth wizard
- Neurotux
- 0.7*Balken value changeable.
- Optional interpolated 2D views
- Allgemeines
- Completely revamped screenshot/video system
- Simpler licensing - license downloaded directly
- various corrections (s. versionlog).