Eccet Installation

Select version

- "nightly" builds are for those wanting the newest and latest features. These builds may be totally broken, though.
- "alpha" build have undergone some minimal testing. They are still very current, but at least a human has started such builds and verified that they look ok.
- "beta" builds have been undergone some amount of formal testing. They should work pretty well apart from small bugs, but are quickly outdated.
- "final" builds have been fully tested. Testing takes time, so these builds may be pretty old.
Add repository key

Update Package list

apt-get update
Installing Eccet

This can take quite some time, as this also installs all required dependencies. While this is running you see the output of the underlying
apt-get install
command.This command may ask some questions. If in doubt, accept the defaults.


The last screen gives some advice on how to set up users to run eccet.