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Eccet Installation


Select version

The first question the installer will ask, if its initial checks for being run as administrator and being on a debian-like system is about the desired version.

Eccet is built and tested in a layered approach you may find familiar from other software like Firefox.

Add repository key

Next the installer adds a cryptographic key to your packet management system to ensure you are downloading the genuine Eccet packages.

Update Package list

As new package sources were added (Eccet), the package list is now updated. This step may take a while. You see the output from the underlying apt-get update command.

Installing Eccet

Now the actual Eccet packages can be installed.
This can take quite some time, as this also installs all required dependencies. While this is running you see the output of the underlying apt-get install command.
This command may ask some questions. If in doubt, accept the defaults.


Now a simple selftest is invoked to ensure Eccet works properly.


Eccet installation should now be ready to use.
The last screen gives some advice on how to set up users to run eccet.
