Zeitschriftenartikel |
Gerwig M, Guberina H, Eßer AC, Siebler M, Schoch B, Frings M, Kolb FP, Aurich V, Beck A, Forsting M, Timmann D. |
Evaluation of multiple-session delay eyeblink conditioning comparing patients with focal cerebellar lesions and cerebellar degeneration. |
Behav Brain Res. 2010 Apr 10. |
Rabe K, Livne O, Gizewski ER, Aurich V, Beck A, Timmann D, Donchin O. |
Adaptation to visuomotor rotation and force field perturbation is correlated to different brain areas in patients with cerebellar degeneration. |
J Neurophysiol, 101: 1961-1971, 2009 |
Tobias Heimann, Bram van Ginneken, Martin Styner, Yulia Arzhaeva, Volker Aurich, Christian Bauer, Andreas Beck, Christoph Becker, Reinhard Beichel, György Bekes, Fernando Bello, Gerd Binnig, Horst Bischof, Alexander Bornik, Peter M. M. Cashman, Ying Chi, Andrés Córdova, Benoit M. Dawant, Márta Fidrich, Jacob Furst, Daisuke Furukawa, Lars Grenacher, Joachim Hornegger, Dagmar Kainmüller, Richard I. Kitney, Hidefumi Kobatake, Hans Lamecker, Thomas Lange, Jeongjin Lee, Brian Lennon, Rui Li, Senhu Li, Hans-Peter Meinzer, Gábor Németh, Daniela S. Raicu, Anne-Mareike Rau, Eva van Rikxoort, Mikaël Rousson, László ́ Ruskó́ , Kinda A. Saddi, Günter Schmidt, Dieter Seghers, Akinobu Shimizu, Pieter Slagmolen, Erich Sorantin, Grzegorz Soza, Ruchaneewan Susomboon, Jonathan M. Waite, Andreas Wimmer, Ivo Wolf |
Comparison and Evaluation of Methods for Liver Segmentation from CT datasets |
IEEE Trans Med Imaging, 2009 Aug;28(8):1251-65. |
B Brandauer; J Hermsdörfer; A Beck; V Aurich; E R Gizewski; C Marquardt; D Timmann |
Impairments of prehension kinematics and grasping forces in patients with cerebellar degeneration and the relationship to cerebellar atrophy. |
Clin Neurophysiol 119, 2528 (2008) |
Albena Dimitrova, Marcus Gerwig, Beate Brol, Elke R Gizewski, Michael Forsting, Andreas Beck, Volker Aurich, Florian P Kolb, Dagmar Timmann |
Correlation of cerebellar volume with eyeblink conditioning in healthy subjects and in patients with cerebellar cortical degeneration. |
Brain Res. 2008 Jan 26; Band 1198:73-84 |
C. Jacoby, Y.C. Böring, A. Beck, A. Zernecke, V. Aurich, C. Weber, J. Schrader, U. Flögel |
Dynamic Changes in Murine Vessel Geometry Assessed by High Resolution Magnetic Resonance Angiography: a 9.4 T Study. |
Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging 2008, 28(3):637-645 |
Turowski B; Hänggi D; Beck A; Aurich V; Steiger H J; Moedder U |
New angiographic measurement tool for analysis of small cerebral vessels: application to a subarachnoid haemorrhage model in the rat. |
Neuroradiology 2007;49(2):129-37. |
B. Turowski, D. Haenggi, J. Wittsack, A. Beck, V. Aurich |
Automatisierte Analyse von Parameterbildern der Hirnperfusion — Computerized Analysis of Brain Perfusion Parameter Images |
Fortschr Roentgenstr 2007; 179:525-529 |
A. Dimitrova, D. Zeljko, F. Schwarze, C. Redies, M. Maschke, M. Gerwig M. Frings A. Beck, V. Aurich, M. Forsting, D. Timmann |
Probabilistic 3D MRI atlas of the human cerebellar dentate/interposed nuclei |
NeuroImage 2006, 30:12-25 |
B. Turowski, D. Hänggi, A. Beck, V. Aurich, H. Steiger, U. Mödder |
New angiographic measurement tool for analysis of small cerebral vessels: application to a subarachnoid haemorrhage model in the rat. |
Neuroradiology. 2006 Nov 17. |
Andersen Kjel; Vogt Christoph; Blondin Dirk; Beck Andreas; Heinen Wolfram; Aurich Volker; Häussinger Dieter; Mödder Ulrich; Cohnen Mathias |
Multi-detector CT-colonography in inflammatory bowel disease: prospective analysis of CT-findings to high-resolution video colonoscopy. |
European journal of radiology 2006;58(1):140-6. |
M. Branschofsky, C. Vogt, V. Aurich, A. Beck, U. Mödder, M. Cohnen |
Feasibility of ultra-low-dose multi-detector-row CT-colonography: detection of artificial endoluminal lesions in an in-vitro-model with optimization of image quality using a noise reduction filter algorithm. |
Eur. J. Med. Res. 2006 Jan 31;11 (1):13-19. |
A Dimitrova, D Zeljko, F Schwarze, M Maschke, M Gerwig, M Frings, A Beck, V Aurich, M Forsting, D Timmann |
Probabilistic 3D MRI atlas of the human cerebellar dentate/interposed nuclei. |
Neuroimage. 2005 Oct 25; : 16257240 (P,S,E,B,D) |
S. Richter, A. Dimitrova, M. Maschke, E. Gizewski, A. Beck, V. Aurich, D. Timmann |
Degree of cerebellar ataxia correlates with 3D-MRI based cerebellar volume in pure cerebellar degeneration |
Eur. Neurol. 2005 54: 23-27 |
K. Andersen, D. Blondin, A. Beck, V. Aurich, C. Vogt, U. Mödder, M. Cohnen |
Evaluation zwei verschiedener Softwarelösungen zur Auswertung von CT-Kolonographien |
Fortschr Röntgenstr. 2005 Sep;177(9):1227-1234 |
K. Andersen, C. Vogt, D. Blondin, A. Beck, W. Heinen, V. Aurich, D. Häussinger, U. Mödder, M. Cohnen |
Multi-detector CT-colonography in inflammatory bowel disease: Prospective analysis of CT-findings to high-resolution video colonoscopy. |
Eur. J. Radiol. 2005 Dec 5. |
V.R. Stoldt, J. Peveling, R. Loncar, A. Beck, V. Aurich, R.E. Scharf |
Evaluation of platelet thrombus formation under flow. |
Blood. 106 (11):70B-71B, 2005. |
S. Richter, O. Kaiser, C. Hein-Kropp, A. Dimitrova, A. Beck, V. Aurich, W. Ziegler, D. Timmann |
Preserved verb generation in patients with cerebellar atrophy |
Neuropsychologia 2004, 42: 1235-1246 |
S. Richter, K. Matthies, T. Ohde, A. Dimitrova, E. Gizewski, V. Aurich, A. Beck, D. Timmann |
Stimulus-response vs. stimulus-stimulus-response learning in cerebellar patients |
Exp. Brain Res. 2004, 158: 438-449 |
C. Vogt, M. Cohnen, A. Beck, S. vom Dahl, V. Aurich, U. Mödder, D. Häussinger |
Detection of colorectal polyps by multi-slice CT colonography in ultra-low-dose technique: comparison with high-resolution video-colonoscopy |
Gastrointestinal Endoscopy 2004 Aug;60(2):201-9 |
C. Vogt, M. Cohnen, A. Beck, V. Aurich, U. Mödder, D. Häussinger |
Virtuelle Kolographie: Aktueller Stand in der Diagnostik kolorektaler Läsionen. |
Coloproctology 2004, 1:40-44 |
M. Cohnen, C. Vogt, A. Beck, K. Andersen, W. Heinen, S. vom Dahl, V. Aurich, U. Mödder, D. Häussinger |
Feasabiltity of Multi-Slice CT-Colonography in Ultra-Low-Dose Technique in the Detection of Colorectal Lesions: Comparison with High-Resolution Video Colonoscopy. |
Am. J. Roentgenol. 2004; 183:1355-1359 |
C. Vogt, M. Cohnen, A. Beck, V. Aurich, U. Mödder, D. Häussinger |
Virtual colonography |
Med. Klin. (Munich). 2003 Dec 15; 98(12):700-11 |
G.-F. Rust, V. Aurich, M. Reiser |
Noise/Dose reduction and image improvements in screening virtual colonoscopy with tube currents of 20 mAs with nonlinear Gaussian filter chains. |
Proc SPIE Med Imaging. 2002;4683:186-197. |
M. Cohnen, C. Vogt, V. Aurich, A. Beck, D. Häussinger, U. Mödder |
Multi-Slice-CT-Colonography in Low-Dose Technique - Preliminary results |
Fortschr. Röntgenstr. 2002; 174(7): 835-838 |
G. Winkler, K. Hahn, A. Martin, K. Rodenacker, V. Aurich |
Noise Reduction in Images: Some Recent Edge-Preserving Methods. |
Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis, Vol.9, No. 4, 1999, 749-766. |